“Guardian Life Bhalobashar Matribhasha 2020”, a 15-day long Culture Festis taking place at Dhaka University TSC and Shoparjito Shadhinota Circle premises for the second time after the year 2019. It is the most popular and talked about event taking place at vicinity of the Book Fair. The event has become a gathering place for art & culture loving people from across all walks of life.
Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University Dr. Akhtaruzzaman was the chief guest in inauguration program along with Guardian Life CEO Mr. M M Monirul Alam. Other special guests included Honorable Advisor Professor of the Student-Teachers Center Soumitra Shekhar, Chairman of the Department of Theater and Performance Studies, Ahmedul Kabir, Dhaka University Central Students Union (DUCSU) and senate member Saddam Hossain (AGS),The Cultural Secretary of Dhaka University Central Students Union (DUCSU) Asif Talukder and Mr. Rubayat Saleheen, Head of Marketing, Guardian Life.
The program was presided over by Abdullah Al Faisal, President of Dhaka University Debate Club and moderated by the President of Dhaka University Drama Club, Moniruzzaman Munna.
In this long festival, TSC’s socio-cultural organizations will be performing dance, music, recitation, drama, debates, quiz, mime, film & documentary exhibitions, essay contests, bike rallies, and multitude of cultural performances.