For a financial institution on the brink of collapse, revival is the hardest possible option as the cutthroat money market barely let any injured player to recuperate and come back.
Unless, a true maestro takes charge…
With the swings of his baton, all the dysfunctional organs start orchestrating in the same tune and end up building the right crescendo.
Being a Maestro in the world of money however takes serious level of dedication, understanding, patience and decision making ability-all of something which only people with true leadership capacity possess.
Leadership can help a business maintain singular focus on its operations. Larger business organizations can suffer from too many individuals attempting to make business decisions. So the business owners usually rely on leadership skills to get managers and employees on the same page and refocus on the original goal.
People with true leadership skills can also help correct poor business practices or internal conflicts between employees.
The question is-how does one achieve that ability of leadership?
A famous quote of Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist might aid in finding the answer. He once wrote, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
Tolstoy’s dictum is a useful starting point for any leader engaged in organizational change, especially of a business entity. Organizational change is inseparable from individual change. Simply put, change efforts often falter because individuals overlook the need to make fundamental changes in themselves.
Building self-understanding and then translating it into an organizational context is however easier said than done, and getting started is often the hardest part.
Fintech has focused this issues cover story on two individuals-one veteran and one young-both of whom have transformed themselves in over the years and also in doing so, they have transformed organizations from the verge of downfall to prosperity.
Meet Mr Anis A Khan, who after taking charge, transformed Mutual Trust Bank (MTB) as one of the most reputed and respectable bank from the one which was lost in obscurity.
And Mr Mominul Islam, the young MD of Industrial Promotion and development Company (IPDC), who have successfully been able to re-brand IPDC into the most promising non-bank financial institution (NBFI).