-Anonno Razzak
Women are proving their worth against all odds in the business sectors. They are assertive, competitive and passionate to work in different sectors, said the speakers in a seminar titled “Women Empowerment through IT Program” held on March 9, 2017 at PwC Office in Laila Tower, Gulshan 1, on account of International Women’s Day organized by PwC in association with JAAGO Foundation.
The program was hosted by banker, economic analyst and entrepreneur Mamun Rashid. The speakers at the event were Bitopi Das Chowdhury, country head of corporate affairs at Standard Chartered Bank; Sonia Bashir Kabir, MD of Microsoft Bangladesh Ltd; Nusrat Jarin, senior manager at JAAGO Foundation; Korvi Rakshand, founder of JAAGO Foundation, young entrepreneurs Mehnaz Tabassum and Reem Shamsuddoha, co-founders of JETECHAO and other distinguished guests.
“A family can play an important role to pave the way for a girl to a professional career in the business world. In some instances, women are actually ten times better than men. That doesn’t mean men are not capable, but in some cases women can make businesses more successful,” Sonia Bashir Kabir said.
Bitopi Das said that in the past the number of women in banking sector and other similar industries was very low due to some prevailing social structure. However that number is increasing now.
When asked if she had faced family restrictions in doing outside work, Bitopi said, “My family is very supportive. In fact, as a woman, I need to maintain both family and workplace and my family is cooperative in that case. They always encourage me.”
Women from both villages and cities are getting smart in Bangladesh. They are not lagging behind like they were in the past. They can use computer, make different apps and run their own businesses.
The students of farthest areas of the country are learning through online. The teachers are also teaching by sitting in front of the PC at their home. The students are 2500 in number with 13 schools under the cooperation of JAAGO Foundation and among the 22,000 volunteers around Bangladesh, most are women, Korvi Rakhshand said.
One of the young entrepreneurs Mehnaz said, “Education is of course necessary for taking up a leadership role in a business. If I don’t have any degree, I can’t earn any knowledge about business, technology, leadership. Education helps me much in this case.” Reem, another young entrepreneur said, “If parents are helpful, girls will not be de-motivated. Being a girl, I am proud of myself and all the credit goes to my parents for my present condition as a business lady”.
Nusrat Jarin said, “Women need to get rid of superstitions. They shouldn’t fear about their ability. Women now have the opportunity to participate more than ever. The days are gone when husbands or family members warned them not to do anything like men do. Things have changed and husbands also want wives to work. So, it is women who need to think they can do the same what men do. Men are not the competitors rather they are the companions with whom women should work together.”
“Women and men are counterparts of each other. In business or IT world, the participation of women is praiseworthy. If women come forward to participate in different businesses, Bangladesh will be a successful example in the history of world business”, Mamun Rashid said.