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Friday, February 7, 2025

UNICEF France accepts crypto donations

The French office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has announced that it will begin to accept donations in cryptocurrency.

Following the success of GameChaingers, a crypto fundraising program launched in February of this year, UNICEF France announced it is now accepting donations in nine cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Monero, EOS and Stellar, reports BlockTribune.

“Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology for charitable purposes offer a new opportunity to appeal to the generosity of the public and continue to develop our actions with children in our country of intervention. It is an innovation in terms of solidarity and fundraising that we are still few to propose, but which tends to become more democratic,” explains Sébastien Lyon, Executive Director of UNICEF France.

Donations in all supported cryptocurrencies are currently accepted directly through the website of UNICEF France. With the exception of Ripple, EOS and Stellar, which are non-mineable, it is also possible to make a donation by mining the other six cryptocurrencies directly to UNICEF France’s crypto wallets.

In February, UNICEF launched a fundraising program to collect funds needed for the protection of the children suffering from the civil war in Syria. The campaign called “Game Chaingers” was targeting computer gamers. Participants had to download and install a special mining software application from the organization’s website. Their PCs were then used to mine ethereum for the program. In April, UNICEF Australia started a similar campaign when it launched the Hope Page. The website allows Australians to provide help and hope to vulnerable children by donating some of their processing power to mine cryptocurrency. The longer they stay on the site, the more cryptocurrency is mined. In May it was announced that UNICEF were using Coinhive to offer donators the opportunity to support refugees through mining cryptocurrency. The money raised was used to help 400,000 Rohingya children affected by the violence in Myanmar. Recently, many people in the worn-torn region of Gaza are using Bitcoin payments for their daily meals, with many humanitarian and NGOs sending Bitcoins to help them.

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