Eid Ul Adha this year will be different since the outbreak of deadly COVID-19 pandemic prevails over the country. Besides, maintaining social and physical distance is important to prevent its spread. City corporations of the country are already decreasing the number of cattle markets compared to other times.
However, the role of Qurbani (sacrifice) in the rural economy is huge. Many farmers and small and large farms keep cows and goats throughout the year to meet the demand of sacrificial animals in the country for this occasion.
Keeping in view the health safety of all these farms and buyers, the ICT Division has set up a digital market for the purchase and sale of sacrificial animals. This will be the country’s largest “Sacrificial Animal Digital Market” as a government initiative.
In Coronavirus situation. a platform formed named “Food for Nation” by the “Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (iDEA) project” of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the ICT Division. In light of this, the project took this initiative of Digital Hat under its “Startup Bangladesh” banner of iDEA project. At this market, shoppers will have the opportunity to view pictures and videos of and know the live weight at home of the animal. At the same time, they will also have the opportunity to communicate directly with cattle farmers, ranchers, or traders. Buyers may collect cattle from a specific place or on a home delivery basis clearing payment.
Registration of cattle and goat farmers, farm owners, and general livestock traders from all over Bangladesh have already started for this largest digital animal market in the country. All people of that profession will get the opportunity to register for free by entering the website https://foodfornation.gov.bd/qurbani2020/.
After registration, cattle sellers have to upload pictures, videos, and other information about the animal from the panel. The government will advertise all these pictures and information through websites and social media at its own expense. As a result, buyers will easily have the opportunity to choose the animal they need for their sacrifice and will be able to take delivery by contacting the seller.
In this context, State Minister of ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak said, “Food for Nation” platform is going to be the largest matchmaking digital market in the country for sacrificial animals. We have taken this initiative to protect the economic loss of the cattle farmers and ranchers and the health of the buyers including them”.
“I urge cattle farmers and ranchers all over the country to come to this platform with your animal information. We want to continue our economic and religious activities while keeping the health of all in the country intact”, added Palak.