Organized by Bangladesh Institute for Professional Development (BIPD) a daylong workshop on “Management of Cyber Risk and Technological Innovations in the Financial Sector-Challenges and Opportunities” held at NSC Building, Dhaka on July 29.
On this very day, about forty senior officials from different insurance, banks, NGOs and various financial institutions participated in the workshop and spoke to the occasion.
Dr. Madhusudan Acharya, Senior Lecturer at Glasgow Calendonian University, UK, rendered his presentation and spoke to the workshop. He said. “Financial sector cannot avoid cyber risks in this era of digitization. We need to have a command over the management of risk management and technological innovations to meet the challenges. This workshop is helpful for meeting the challenges in financial sectors.”
Also, BIPD Director General Kazi Md. Murtaza Ali, ACII delivered the welcome speech at the workshop and other officials were present to make the workshop glorious.