Being entrepreneur is more of a desire than a trend. In today’s scenario, everyone has an urge to be known, or to do something worthwhile. It’s passion that drives the start-ups and creates great entrepreneur. Bangladesh still has a long way to go to actually become ‘Digital Bangladesh’ but there is a resurgence of entrepreneurial spirit, and more startup activities are there than ever before.
In this issue of Fintech, we focus on the struggles and potentials of startups of the country. Our cover story sheds lights on the activities the tech startups, their enthusiasm about finding innovative ideas, perennial attempts of finding investments and their hardships in finding VCs. Through interviews with startup gurus and industry experts, we also tried to unearth the common pitfalls that could destroy the startups before reaching up to a proper platform to flourish.
Aside from startup stories, we have our usual-an in-depth interview of a managing director of commercial bank. This time, we interviewed Selim RF Hussain, the MD and CEO of Brac Bank, who in last one year transformed Brac Bank from a parked unmoving vehicle to a German car in fourth gear. The Fintech team also interviewed Rumesa Hussain, Associate Director of Ernest & Young in Bangladesh, SM Mahbubul Karim, CEO of Nitol Insurance Company Limited, Pavel Hoq, COO of Grameen-Intel Social Business Ltd and Nazeem A Choudhury, Head of Consumer Banking of Eastern Bank Ltd and Wahidur Rahman Sharif, CEO of Digicon.
In our movie recommendation of the month for the professionals of fintech, we suggested ‘Pirates of Silicon Valley’-the startup story of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. This movie will not only provide much needed impetus to our readers but will give them a portrayal of the competitive world of startups. Our regular features on recent trends and innovations of financial technology industry, fintech industry insights from Chris Skinner and a thorough analysis from Md Mahbubur Rahman are there. Fintech thrives on your readerships and positive feedbacks. Stay with us to witness the technological changes in the offing.
Md. Mizanur Rahman